Nanotechnology Solutions

Universal Cleaner

Universal Cleaner removes dirt residues such as oil, grease, smoke, nicotine, soot, wax, surfactant and residues from almost any surface such as Marble, Terrazzo, Granite, Tile, Porcelain, Plastic and is ideal for professional kitchen areas, for the degreasing of all surfaces, especially in security and anti-skid floors. Universal Cleaner can be used for manual and mechanical cleaning. Also use as a daily maintenance cleaner, do not change the surface.


Each surface that have to be sealed requires a nearly fat and surfactant pretreatment. This should be done only by mild and surfactant cleaners. On fats, surfactants and detergent residues are nanostructures not the optimal primer and can not connect with the surface.


Highly effective cleaner. The innovative micro-splitting allows thorough cleaning without damaging solvents, enzymes or bleach. For pre-cleaning of surfaces, that will later be coated with nano sealers.


Every sealing, requires a thorough cleaning. for example at the "Nano Window Sealant (self cleaning)", "Nano Wood & Stone Sealant", "Nano Floor Sealant (for absorbant surfaces)", "Nano Floor Sealant (for slightly absorbant and non-absorbant surfaces)". Our universal cleaner dissolves all grease spots, stains and other contaminants from the surface to be treated and is therefore a perfect maintenance cleaner for all nanotechnology sealants.



  • No solvents or bleaches
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Removes dirt easily
  • Economical to use



This smart cleaning system "recognizes" dirt of different molecular structure and separating them from each other. Because this cleanser is not aggressive, can it easily make a direct contact with the contaminated material.


Micro-splitting effect immediately: Whis this molecular splitting, the dirt loose the contact to the external surface and immediately reach on top of the surface where they can be removed with a carrier (water). The dirt is then separated from the substrate. Thus, there is no fringing or new contamination. Cleaning agents on micro-splitting base can be used on almost all fabrics and surfaces.




Pre-cleaner for:

  • Nanotechnology Wood & Stone Sealant
  • Nanotechnology Window Sealant (self cleaning)
  • Nanotechnology Floor Sealant (for absorbant surfaces)
  • Nanotechnology Floor sealant (for slightly absorbant and non-absorbant surfaces).


Maintenance Cleaner for:

  • all our nanotechnology sealants


This cleaner can also be supplied as a concentrate !